Supercar Sharing AG (operator),
Badenerstrasse 549
8048 Zurich
Tel: (+41) 44 797 88 06
Company registration number:
Trademark rights:
Supercar Sharing AG is the owner of the word and picture mark:
Supercar Co-Ownership System (Registered & Active)
Supercar Sharing® - Registered in the EUIPO , EUROPEAN UNION INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE including trademarks and license protection in 28 other countries.
Brand number: 018729056
EU IPO Trademark Certificate: EUIPO
Registered in the IGE ( Federal Institute for Intellectual Property) and in der WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization) under the
Brand number: 770055
Listed in the UK IPO (Intellectual Property Office UK)
UK Trademark number: UK00003806325
UK Trademark Certificate: UKIPO
Supercar Co-Ownership System® - Registered in the Swiss IGE (Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum) under the
Brand Nummer: 798872
Protected States and Licensing:
Brand Coverage INT (PDF)-490kb
Company purpose:
The purpose of the company is the development and operation of platforms for financing, distribution, brokerage, communication, launching, as well as the purchase and sale of vehicles, in particular sports and luxury vehicles, and the provision of related services.
In addition, the company aims to provide services in the areas of marketing, IT and events.
The company can set up branches and subsidiaries at home and abroad and participate in other companies at home and abroad as well as conduct all transactions that are directly or indirectly related to its purpose.
The company can acquire, encumber, sell and manage property at home and abroad. It can also provide financing for its own account or for the account of third parties and enter into guarantees and sureties for subsidiaries and third parties.